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The Museum's Minor Arts Collection contains ca. 6,000 objects.  They are mainly ecclesiastical artefacts, but there are also secular ones, made by a variety of materials and with diverse techniques, dating from the 4th to the 19th century.
There are about 1,000 coins in the Minor Arts Collection, issued by the emperors of Constantinople from the 4th to the 14th c. The artefacts from the Early Christian period (4th-7th c.) are mainly clay lamps and seals, and small flasks for holy oil (ampullae). From the mid- and late Byzantine period comes a number of brass pectoral cross-reliquaries, that is amulets containing part of the True Cross or other relics, as well as the lead seals of imperial and ecclesiastical officials.   

There are more objects from the Post-Byzantine period than from the earlier years, mainly ecclesiastical.  The heirlooms from the Greek communities of Asia Minor and the now-lost communities of the Hellenic Diaspora are of special artistic importance. A significant and large group of objects is the one that includes carved wooden crosses with metal revetment. 

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